The world works in mysterious ways. Well, not really, maybe in 1690 it was mysterious but science has pretty much gotten a handle on how things happen on this great blue ball and beyond. Still, some of these concepts may be challenging to explain. The National Science and Technology Medals Foundation: Labs has three fun “experiments” you can use to waste some time learning.
This website lets you manipulate Gravity, Sound, and Image Processing in three distinct ways to learn more about how the world and technology works. Each lab runs on your web browser and amounts to a nice way to waste so time.
This is more geared for children. In the Gravity experiment, you create a shape and then see how it interacts with different gravity situations. With sound, you can test how something sounds in different environments with visual shapes to demonstrate how the waves bounce. Image Processing lets you alter a picture with different effects, explain how the computer makes each one work. It’s a free website.