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Outdoor Heated Cat Shelter – keep your furry friends warm this winter

Heated Outdoor Cat Shelter

If you have outdoor cats or take care of feral colonies, then how those little guys stay warm in the winter can be a real worry for you. It’s not like you can take them inside when the temperatures start to drop off. The Outdoor Heated Cat Shelter can help independent cats stay warm as the temperature starts to go south.

This little cat house comes with a heater beneath the floor that keeps the home cozy during the winter. The house is also water proof which keeps it dry on the inside when the snow and rain comes. There are also two doors, one on the front and one on the back which allows the cats to be able to escape if they sense danger. These doors are also covered by plastic flaps to keep wet stuff out.

The heater must be plugged in for it to work. It’s a small house so even though a million cats will try to squeeze into it, it’s probably only really good for one or two to rest in comfortably. The Outdoor Heated Cat Shelter is $129.99.

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