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PaperID – do more with your paper airplanes

Paper ID in use again

You’ve likely seen/heard of RIFD tags and also of conductive ink. Generally, the two fairly low-cost technologies are separate entities but one team of researchers combined them with an everyday object to make interactive wonders. PaperID takes RIFD tags and paper to create wireless interfaces for everyday use.

Researchers used plain RIFD tags and stuck them on paper to create a wide variety of interactive technologies. By combining the tags with simple tasks, they managed to turn lifeless sheets of paper into a variety of controls. They also drew their own RIFD tags using conductive ink pens, both types worked to connect and facilitate simple actions in different settings. They controlled lights, created sound effects and more.

PaperID in use

The technology could take arts and crafts to the next level. No more boring pinwheels and lamesauce pop-up books, this simple step could turn crafts into connected objects. Your kid could very easily give you a card that does something other than collects dust in your keepsake box, plus, learn some valuable making skills. PaperID is still only a lab idea but with a few supplies and a little tinkering, you could probably make this work on your own.

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