Plastic is in almost everything we use. Even in our paper cups and some bags. Sure they don’t FEEL like plastic or even look like it, but the plastic is there and when we go to throw them away, the paper part decomposes but the plastic sticks around for much longer. Enter Pinyapel, the company that makes actual, usable paper products.
Plastic is included in many of our paper products so that they withstand use. Especially things like cups which encounter liquids. Would be a terrible surprise if your to go coffee cup just melted on you wouldn’t it? Pinyapel makes it products from pineapple leaves which do not need plastic to hold up to use.
The company has designed cups and bags from this product that hold up abuse and when they’re usefulness is over, in the trash they go where they decompose at a faster rate than traditional paper. Although not available for general use yet, the company is looking for partners.