Eco Friendly posted by

Plastic That Breaks Down In The Ocean Can Happen – but there’s a catch

Making plastic that degrade in the ocean isn’t impossible, it’s VERY doable in a number of different ways in fact! But it turns out that implementing such things in a cost effective manner is a bit beyond us at this time so lets not ignore immediate benefits of the Three R’s, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.

There are a number of ways that researchers have found to create plastics that will degrade naturally. From using different chemicals to altering the make up of chemicals already in use, it’s possible! The problem is that scaling up the production of such plastics isn’t cost efficient meaning most companies won’t go for it.

So instead, reduce the amount of plastic you bring into your home. Reuse what you can, when you can. Finally, recycle. It is getting harder for some locations to recycle but that doesn’t mean it’s a dead industry. Although it may be a bit harder, try to recycle what you can, when you can.

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