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Portal – the dedicated Facebook video calling device

Are you super into using Facebook messenger for calls? Like, that’s your main calling option in communication. If that’s the case and you’ve ever thought you would like a dedicated device to make such calls, check out Portal, the device made for video calling.

This device is a clear screen, solid camera and mic set on some speakers. It’s made for one thing and that is making video calls through Messenger. As such, it’s optimized to do so easily and efficiently. It’s connected to your messenger account so that you can connect quickly without little to no hassle.

This has covers for the camera built in and the mic can be turned off completely so Facebook is probably not spying on you. It’s a sleek piece of tech but I’m not sure what the draw is since the functions can and are being performed by smart phones and tablets already with zero issues. You can preorder on of these if you’re that into it starting at $199.

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