hmm..interesting posted by

Pyrocumunlonimbus Storms – Australia’s bush fires are making their own weather

The bush fires in Australia are really bad. If you’ve been paying attention to the news at all then you’ve likely seen video or read reports about how terrible these blazes are. In fact, they are so big this year that they are actually generating their own weather patterns and creating pyrocumulonimbus types of thunderstorms. Which can drop rain, which is great, but also potentially lightening which is. . . not so great.

These sorts of storms are caused by the heat from the large fires that create a updraft. Sometimes these updrafts are so strong, they cause atmospheric changes, in this case, storms. These storms can lead to sudden downpours which is great! Rain helps to fight the fire. But they could also lead to lightening which, if it strikes the right (or wrong) place will cause more fires.

These sorts of weather patterns are also what leads to fire tornadoes which is just about as horrifying as it sounds. Check out the video to see one in action.

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