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Recycle or Trash? – check out this guide to the blue bin

Recycling won’t solve every pollution issue we have but it will help in some cases. Not everything we use can be recycled and there are even more things that we think can be, but really shouldn’t go into the blue bin. Here’s a quick list of some common items that should just be thrown in the trash.

Heading the top of the list is plastic bags. These muck up the machines and are no good to recycle. Instead, try to reuse these as much as possible and reduce your accumulation of them by using reusable bags at the shop. Gift wrap, reciepts, and shredded paper are also things that seem like they could head to the recyclable center but their properties make them such that they are best chucked in the trash or composted.

It should go without saying but anything that still has food on it cannot be recycled! Pizza boxes, paper plates, containers, all of those must be cleaned thoroughly and if they can’t be cleaned, into trash or compost they go. Check out the list for more good enough to help you sort your garbage correctly.

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