Voting is hard. Many people make choices that they later come to regret. Humans aren’t machines, we make mistakes. You know what doesn’t make mistakes though? Robots. Well, once they learn the facts, no mistakes! RoboVote is the program that wants to help people make better choices.
RoboVote was created using Artificial Intelligence and machine learning to help people make more informed choices when it calls for a vote. The system takes information on both objective and subjective questions in regards to the topic, catalogs it and based on the what was provided, presents a choice. It does account for factors that would affect a person’s subjective opinion.
This is a really interesting system that would be great at figuring out which restaurant has the best soup but likely wouldn’t do very well at something more serious. The developers would love to see their product implemented in a variety of ways and it would likely do great on the small scale but let’s hold off on putting RoboVote to work on large scale elections.