If you’ve got a few decades worth of photo prints and you want to digitise them, then check out this Rollei PS100 digital print scanner. The blurb reckons it will scan a photo in a single pass in 0.5 seconds and it can scan 3×5, 6×4 and 5×7 photos at 3600 dpi (5184 x 3360) and 10 bits per channel. It can operate without a computer, saving the photos to SD card, it has a 2.4″ colour LCD screen for checking your scans or you can use a TV. It also comes with ArcSoft Photo Impression 6 but you’ll need XP/Vista or MacOS 10.4 or later, and for some reason it connects via USB 1.1. Anyway all this photo goodness is fairly cheap at £149.99.
Scan you old photo prints using this Hi resolution digital print scanner, with easy one button operation and stand alone operation ability, you can scan all your old photos easily and efficiently at a high resolution.
Tags: gadget, usb, rollei, rollei+ps1oo, photo+scanner
What a great and startling gadgets, Really very advanced and innovative. Thanks for sharing.