There are times when you’re driving that you need to make a loud noise in a hurry, usually in an emergency situation which could be a matter of life or death. If you’re lucky, you’ve got a nice phat horn to blow, enough to avoid peril, if you’re not so fortunate you’ll only manage a feeble parp, which is likely to be blown away by the slightest gust of wind. Result, catastrophe.
This new Screaming Banshee Horn System gives you the best of all worlds. On the one hand, once installed, you can use your standard horn as you would always do, parping away with no fear of scaring old ladies into premature coronary seizures. However, if danger strikes and you need loud, just lean on the horn button for more than 1/4 of a second and you’ll deliver a full 139 decibels of air horn, in a blast that will kill a jackrabbit at 10 paces.
Safety, thy name is ear piercing. The product comes in black or chrome and costs from $99.99 including all fitting brackets and cables.