One of the issues we’re still fighting is keeping our oceans clean, particularly around those areas, like harbors, that see a lot human activity. Two guys who love the ocean created a new gadget called the Seabin and you can help fund it on Kickstarter.
The Seabin is like a floating vacuum. An ocean vacuum if you will. It is a bin attached to a pump that pulls in debris and lets the trash free water flow back out. The creators have said that no fish have been harmed during their trial runs with the device.
This is a innovation great because it’s cheaper than the current system and can be used easily in the areas that need it most. Ports, marinas, and other places where boats dock are pretty notorious for accumulating trash. The Seabin wants to eat it all up. Your donation won’t land you one of the these for yourself but it will go towards building more Seabins. However, if you do want one of your very own, it will run you $3825.