Skype 2.0 with Video has launched at last. 60 million users now have the opportunity to clog the Skype P2P system with video chat, which should be interesting. I’ve been playing with the beta (click thumbnail) and it’s just about OK, although from first viewing it’s clear that the video is inferior to that of the latest MSM Messenger. What’s more, the frame rate is very slow, it’s not as clear and full screen mode doesn’t seem to be as forgiving. In fact, on a test call to the US I had to switch off the video completey because it was making the audio break up too badly. OK, so it’s beta, but let’s hope they can get things sorted out quickly.
These may be teething problems of the sort that plagued the early voice system, so I’ll reserve final judgement for a while. In the meantime, it works and it’s totally seamless – e.g. it installed and integrated with my Logitech webcam instantly with no hesitation, and video is automatically triggered when a call comes in from a webcam equipped caller, so that’s a no-brainer too (are you listening MSN?). So anyway, it’s probably worth the free download Ireckon.
No, no , no. Skype is Evil! :)
No, really, check the memory use. Skype uses more than 20MB average and sometimes up to 70MB of RAM. Thats sick. Ok, we all have at least 1GB of RAM, but still, 70 megs for a simple messenger in idle… no-no!
Heh, I hear what you’re saying, but for me Skype is currently using 16MB, while Firefox is at 104MB, Copernic at 24MB and OE at 19MB, so it’s not doing that bad in the steal memory charts. :-) And I loooove the Du@lPhone which imakes it all seamless (but more of that later!)