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Social Media Checkup – did Facebook share your info?

By this point, if you have a Facebook account, you’ve likely heard of the issues with Cambridge Analytica. You may be wondering if your data has been shared. You can find out the answer to that question by clicking this link.

Once you navigate to the page, Facebook will let you know if your data was shared via the app “This Is Your Digital Life.” If you never logged in, then, congrats, you dodged the big bullet. Unfortunately, if any of your friends logged in, the company was privy to some information on your profile.

This information was limited to your public profile, page like, birthday and current city. Which on its own is no big deal but the company was using that information to compile profiles on voters in order to swing the election. Which is very much not cool. So if you’re curious, check the link to find out. There’s nothing you can do about now but at least you’ll know.

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