The Four Battery Solar Charger has a 7 volt solar panel and will charge up four batteries of the same type in six hours ‘on a good sunny day’. What makes this interesting is the fact that it’s on offer at just £7.49. It looks like 2007 could be the year of the solar gadget.
The charger is supplied complete with a 5-way spider for powering small electrical goods such as personal stereos, toys or torches. The built-in blocking diode prevents reverse charging. Please note that the charging circuit is designed to charge 4 rechargeable batteries in an in-series circuit system (4.8V). Only 4 batteries of the same size and brand can be charged at any one time. Recharging times will depend on the strength of the sunlight, the level to which the batteries are discharged as well as the battery capacity. The higher the capacity of the batteries to be charged, the longer the charge time required will be. Do not attempt to mix different sizes or brands of batteries.
I bought one of these from Maplins a long time ago – it’s not very efficient at charging batteries in the winter, needless to say. There’s another model that has at least an LED to let you know when it is charging – which is an enormous help.
They’re so cheap nowadays it’s almost worth having one just to sit on a window sill permanently. :-)