We all need power. As much of it as we can get. Middle aged men need it to prop themselves up, young boys need it to impress, nerds use it to overcome the panic attacks. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, at the heart of living is power. Which makes it a real pain that your average gadget can only exist in a powered state for a pitiful few hours.
There is hope however. One such beacon of positivity is the new Solio Bolt solar charger, which converts the majestic power of the sun’s rays into enough juice to keep your gadgets going for longer than you could imagine possible. Well a few hours more anyway. The significance of extending your reading habits on the Kindle Fire escapes us at the moment, but it’s probably enough to say that War and Peace is no longer out of your reach.
The Bolt will, of course, charge up other delicious gadgets on demand, like MP3 players, phones, headsets etc, but we basically couldn’t resist leading with a headline that included the word ‘fire’ twice. The Bolt is priced at $53.23.