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Spy Safetyphone.


The Spy Safetyphone. Drop cell phone handset at location. When movement is detected it will SMS you, at which point you can silently call the handset and listen in or record. Can also transfer photos as MMS or email via motion detection application. What you might call the Swiss Army Knife of covert-ness. Works with standard Symbian Nokia phones. From €969.00.

 This unique spyphone gives you the opportunity to eavesdrop and listen on a distance. You leave the mobile phone behind somewhere, leave that place and you get a message when there is any movement detected by the phone. Then you can ring the spyphone with another phone. The spyphone will answer automatically without using a ring tone or lighting the display. The microphone in the spyphone will be activated so every conversation within approximately 10 metres of the phone can be heard and can even be recorded! Ring worldwide.

1 Comment

  • Thanks for all !!!!!!!

    We also released Interceptor software for the Nokia Spy-safetyphone.
    New Models !!!!!

    Safetyphones for small prices.


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