Playing cards are used all over the world as a form of entertainment. Whether you want to play a game with friends, or just by yourself, these little pieces of paper can provide countless hours of fun. However, even in an honest card game, some people can’t seem to be a good sport about losing.
Whether they’re just training to be a magician, or just can’t stand to lose, some people use slight of hand to win a card game. This isn’t any bit ethical of course, but it does happen. Calling out a friend for this sort of silly offense can have somewhat dire consequences, so why not try and curb their upper hand by changing up the game a bit? These Stainless Steel Playing Cards will make sleight of hand nigh impossible. The sound of metal on metal shuffling around, as well as the change in weight will be quite telling. Even if this isn’t a concern of yours, $114 is a lot to spend on playing cards. Unless you are just extremely fond of the game, or want to get a really nice gift for someone else that likes to play, this may be a novelty item to pass by.
Sleight, rather than slight, please.
:P fixed. Thanks.
Nigel, you have another of the same to fix.
Also used as weapons – just flick them at the enemy.