The world is full of trash so every little bit that you can keep from going into a landfill helps the Earth out just a bit. Plus reusing things that people consider waste as decoration makes your house look chic. The SUCK UK Cork Shaped Rechargeable Bottle Light turns your empty bottles into bright lamps.
The Bottle Light is a cool little light that fits inside of a variety of bottles. You should make sure they’re empty first but they could be those little bottles you pick up at the thrift store or empty science beakers. The cork stopper fits a variety of bottles meaning you can mix and match different styles and types.
It is rechargeable through USB. It chargers for an hour which will give you three hours of bright, clear light. Using the bottles you can make romantic dinner lights or fun outdoor decorations. Depending on what type of bottles you use, they can even help establish a party theme. The only requirement is that the cork stopper be held by the bottle. The SUCK UK Cork Shaped Rechargeable Bottle Light costs $16.95.