The Sun Jar. Billed as a sunlight storage system, this little gizmo contains a solar cell, battery and LED lights. Place in sunlight all day long, and switch on at night for some free ambient glow goodness. We all need some ambient love now and then, don’t we? Don’t we? £19.95 ($37.60).
This ingenious marriage of modern technology and good old-fashioned styling has been created by hot avant-garde designer Tobi Wong, and we reckon it’s a classic in the making. After all, up-to-the-minute styling is fine and dandy, but sometimes it’s nice to stare at something that doesn’t look like it’s fallen off the back of the Starship Enterprise. Besides, messing about with jars and candles is a right rigmarole.
I was so taken with these jars of sunshine that I’ve set up a shop selling sea shells and sunshine:
I have only set up posting to North America, the UK, and France so far, but I will certainly post anywhere by request!