You may not have solar power running your whole house, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t use it to charge your devices. The Suntree is a solar power charger perfect for reminding you that every little bit of green energy helps to save the world while you’re powering your phone up.
The Suntree is a tree shaped desktop solar power unit that can charge devices via USB. The tree portion is made from bamboo with a canopy made from 9 solar panels. This design really hits it home why it’s important to save energy where we can, even if It’s just for the charging of a few smaller devices.
Just put this near a window where it can catch some of those sweet, sweet rays and you’ll be able to charge your phone using the power of our nearest star. It also comes with a mini USB cable which we all need more of probably. This is perfect for office spaces or just homes that are bit more eco-conscience. The Suntree is $123.91.