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TECPOINT Sur La Table SteakChamp Thermometer – take the guesswork out of cooking your steaks


Stop trying to act like a professional chef when you’re cooking steaks. If you can’t tell the correct temperature of the meat at any given time then you’re actually at risk of destroying a perfect cut. Invest in a small piece of technology to give yourself some peace of mind when cooking steaks and your stomach, and other diners, will thank you.

The TECPOINT Sur La Table SteakChamp Thermometer will take the guesswork out of your cooking. You don’t have to keep touching your steak all the time because this portable gadget will help you cook the best meat you’ve ever tasted by your own hands.

These small gadgets come in different varieties for different temperatures, from rare to medium well. All you have to do is insert the device into your cut of meat and when it hits your desired temperature the product will start flashing a red light, which means your steak is ready. The TECPOINT Sur La Table SteakChamp Thermometer is available for $49.95 via Amazon.

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