How we manage our dirt is going to be so important in the coming years. As temperatures get higher and the air gets drier, we want to make sure that we aren’t setting ourselves up for another Dust Bowl event. This isn’t a problem for many parts of the world but if you live in one where great plains can suddenly dry out and lead to clouds of dirt, you may want to be wary.
The Dust Bowl was a significant US historical event that lead to wide spread poverty, famine, and disease. None of those things are fun. It’s usually focused on as an economic disaster, which it absolutely was, but it was also an environmental failure. Farmers did not take proper care of the land so when the dry season came (that they weren’t really aware of), the dust bowl happpened.
We are in a much more knowledgable time today and have the tools and technology to help avoid such calamities. We can take some important lessons from the past disaster into planning for tomorrow.