If you’ve been paying any attention to tech news in the last year or so then you’ve probably noticed a lot of buzzing around self-driving cars. Bob Lutz, former vice chairman and head of development for General Motors, believes that in 20-30 years, these will be the only cars and driving yourself will go the way of the horse and buggy.
In his not so long piece, he lays out a future where all cars are the self-driving type and, even more interesting, posits that they will be controlled by major fleets, not individuals. We will all be taking Uber and Lyft in this version of the future.
There are things here that Lutz did not touch on such as the idea that these cars would likely be electric and what that would mean for travel and transportation. He also did not offer much of an idea of the reality for people who live outside of urban environments. Or what will happen if you live somewhere that doesn’t have a really great infrastructure. There’s also questions about how this would change government spending.
There are so many doors that were not opened in this piece, but it is a good starting point for the discussion and with movement in China regarding their own self driving fleet, it does look like it might soon be a reality. What are your thoughts? Flight of fancy or a look into tomorrow? Leave us a comment to let us know!