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The Pod – the dream bed with a bombastic sound system


We all dream of getting into bed and just not leaving it again but this isn’t reality. You have to eat and use the bathroom but you can settle in for a few hours and relax with some movies or TV. The Pod won’t let you stay in bed forever but it will take your movie in bed to the next level with it integrated sound system and outlets.

This bed comes with speakers and a stand for a television at its base so no more staring at a tiny laptop screen, get the full TV experience, right in bed, a few feet from your face. With awesome sounds. It also has built in outlets so you can charge your devices. How handy!


The bad news is that this awesome bed system is only available in certain cities in India (which I guess is great news for our Indian readers, you lucky ducks you!). The bed is available through a furniture rental company starting at 2499 Rupees (about $37) a month.

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