Tailgate parties are great ways for people to get together and celebrate their love of a particular sport. You’ll see people busting out grills for food, and having a great time. The only thing that is usually missing is a TV showing off the sport being celebrated. After all, it is a bit hard to run a cable all the way out to a parking lot somewhere. If this is your favorite weekend activity, you might consider looking into The Tailgater from Dish Network.
The Tailgater is an enclosed satellite that works with Dish Network’s services. The reason for the enclosure is so that it won’t get damaged in adverse weather conditions, and so the satellite can rotate itself to find the best signal. So how much is it going to cost for you to get TV service virtually anywhere? Well The Tailgater is going to run you $350, while the necessary receiver is $150. Once you’ve made that initial investment, it will only add $7 to your bill each month. You’ll have to decide whether or not the investment is really worth it to you.