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The Third Thumb – what would you do with an extra thumb

Humans have really made use of their thumbs, we’ve built lives that rely on this one digit for nearly everything. Try not using your thumb for a few minutes, see how much harder things get. Which may make you think, wouldn’t life be even more awesome if my hand had another thumb? The Third Thumb explores what that might be like.

This concept made a prosthetic that attaches a third thumb on the opposite side of the right hand. The idea was that it was exploring the relationship between technology and the human body. The extra thumb was made from 3D printed materials

It is controlled by pressure sensors in your show that connect to the device via Bluetooth. This isn’t a product that you can buy, it’s an experiment with the ideas of technology, much like the earthquake sensor implant. Still, it’s worth checking out, you never know what the future may hold.

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