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Tinder Hot Box Solar Fire Starter – Say bye bye to rubbing wood together for hours


The single most difficult thing to do when going out in the wild is starting a fire unless you have all the necessary tools. Having a match box at your disposal comes in really handy but matches run out, so  there’s definitely a need for a single tool that can start a fire easily without needing any fuel or friction.

The all new Tinder Hot Box Solar Fire Starter is the world’s first solar powered fire starter that works without needing any external agents, except for tinder of course.. On your next camping trip, you don’t have to worry about the fire stuff at all, as long as the sun is bright you’re all set.

This genius little device is waterproof and airtight so your tinder will always remain dry regardless of the weather conditions, and it works by using a parabolic reflector to focus all the sunlight on to the tinder to ignite it in just a few minutes. The Tinder Hot Box Solar Fire Starter is available for $39.95 via Amazon.



  • I have an antique one of those. It is called a magnifying glass

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