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TomTom Runner Cardio Watch – heart rate monitoring without clumsy straps or apps


There’s a new toy in town and it’s designed to help you stay alive longer. What’s more, the product aims to prevent you getting lost, missing your appointments and generally losing your way in life while you continue maximizing your life span. Sounds like a pretty good deal to us.

The TomTom Runner Cardio Watch lets you set your training goals, so if you’re fat and lazy like us you can make it easy, but if you’re super fit like Mr D. Rodman, you’ll probably choose Sprint. Or something. The device of course will track your distance, time, pace and calories burned, as well as let you compare different runs.


We particularly like the fact that the watch will also tell you the time, although disappointingly it won’t tell you when it’s time to quit and take up bird watching instead. There are two versions, the Runner Cardio and the Multi Sport Cardio (which copes with swimming and cycling as well as just running) and they’re priced at $219.99 and $299.99 respectively with cardio monitoring on-board.

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