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TravelLamp – turn your smartphone flash into a lamp

TavelLamp in use

Most of us have used our smartphone as flashlight at least once. There’s no denying that the flashlight function on our handhelds is a useful feature. Generally speaking, it makes a poor lamp though. The TravelLamp will help you turn that flashlight on your phone into something closer to an actual light.

This little silicone attachment slides onto your phone and fits over the flash. Turn on the flashlight feature and it will diffuse the light, giving it more of a lamp appeal. Sure, it won’t cast much light, your phone’s flash is only so big, but it will become a more suitable reading light for a cozy bedtime story or the like.

The entire piece is made from soft silicone so it’s lightweight and easy to travel with. Throw it in your bag and you’re ready to go. It slips over most smartphone bodies, all you need to do is position it where the flash sits and activate your flashlight option. Then just enjoy the glow. As long as your phone has a charge, this little device can be used. The TrvelLamp is $13.

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