Whoa, the USB Air Darts Launcher is back on the shelves. Or rather it will be on 16th May. $59.95 Australian Dollars (US$46.33). Incoming!
We truly believe this is WHY the USB was invented in the first place! Load the software (Windows 2000 and XP compatible) and acquire your unsuspecting target! The launcher pans 180 degrees and tilts up to 45 degrees. A simple move of the mouse will aim your harmless soft foam projectile…and with a click it’s bombs away, complete with cool sound effects!
USB Missile Launcher
Don’t spam your blog on digg. Lamer.
You’re not a lamer. Air darts are neat!
We need a mac version of the software so i can use them as well
This is so cool!! I want one for the office!!!
t3h – I didn’t.
Windoze only?– That’s OK, Mac users tend not to screw around with games. We do work on our machines. Flame away–that is if you’ve fixed your viruses (114,000) and counting.
Actually no there is a linux port – some dude has done it. Oh and btw, i have a macbook so leave ya ego at home. it was simply a film about the usb missle launcher if you want to make it about windows i suggest you read the title. Plus i did’nt build or distribute it so stop with ya aggro at me. Tosser.
For everyone that wants to get it working not on windows.
the youtube video was quite a letdown, it showed a guy opening up the box it came in, but it never showed any firing. lame.
yeah. well all you had to do was ask instead of dissing and we can do another. it was just showing us getting it. i dont believe i have any quality control on free reviews i have to give to you. at least i dont post anon. weak + lame. haters make me smile.
Thanks. Glad we could help. hater. yawn. trying posting with a bit of backbone next time anon. yawn + lame. hehe. it’s people like you that kill this planet with ya bad attitude and lame comments. all you had to do was ask. not diss. plus if you search for usb missle on google video you’ll find one. we did not bother to duplicate.
Ah now peeps, let’s not sully a fun toy with any bad stuff eh? :-) Why can’t we all just get along and blast each other to foam covered bits with our missiles of mass distraction?
Agreed! – Boooom! :)
It’s missing a bore-sighted web cam to remotely aim the thing and to capture the faces of the people you shoot for posting. Everytime you push the fire button, it should take a snapshot. Guess we’ll have to wait for the 2.0 release or someone’s going to mod one.