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VirZOOM Bike – the VR accessory that cuts it a little too close to an unpleasant future

VR is becoming a lot more common in our lives. The technology is more readily available and the platform has gotten larger, ensuring there are more options for engagement. Which is why something like the VirZOOM Bike is neat. It works with your VR system to give you a more engaging event.

It’s really neat to be able to feel some movement as you engage in the VR world. This is designed as exercise equipment and comes bundled with a series of options to tailor your workout. It can be used by the whole family. And is compatible with the Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR.

The only thing is, isn’t this a bit Black Mirror? I mean, I watched the episode, “Fifteen Million Merits” and that’s all I can think about looking at this bike. Is that our future? Will we all be peddling in front of screens to power our world, our lives controlled by screens? Probably not, but you should watch that episode if you haven’t because it was very good. Oh, and the VirZOOM Bike is $399.95 if you want to expand your VR experience.

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