The Voyager Arcade Machine comes complete with 40 classic games like Donkey Kong, Frogger et al, an internal PC with 17” monitor and is hand crafted with love and dedication by a team of ex-Playstation marketing managers and their wives. Or something. £1675.00 says so much more about your street gaming cred than a Wii 360 PSP ever will.
The guts of this arcade machine is a quality control tested PC system that’s been developed for complete reliability to give you problem free game play. In development the system has been kicked, abused and switched off and on at random times to ensure you don’t have any issues. After every test all we did was switch the unit back on ,et voila, menu screen and arcade nirvana awaits.
Its also available at:
or in sit down:
Bit of a rip-off Red….
A friend here just bought a 1000-game Jamma board off for $650 (inc postage). Jamma is the wiring standard for arcade games. He then bought a 2nd-hand Jamma cabinet (Streetfighter 2) with a 26″ screen for $400, and another $50 for the guy to install the Jamma board and change some wiring. Job done for $1100 AUD. I`d go that way as well, instead of this beast.
Yes, DIY is always the way to go isnt’ it? But for those of us with two left thumbs, a ready built box is the only way to go, price premium or no. Nice idea though… :-)