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Water Leak Alarms keep your floors dry

One of the best things you can do after a long day of work is to get in the bath and relax. Only problem is you have to sit by the tub for ten to fifteen minutes while it fills up so it won�t overflow. With all the creative minds out there, we were bound to find some way to let us know if our tub, sinks, etc are about to run amok. Here enters the Water Leak Alarms.

These little devices that look like water filters will let you know if even the tiniest drop gets too close to it. This way you can run to the fridge, or snag whatever you might need before taking a bath without having to wait tub side for what feels like forever. If water does happen to meet with this alarm, it will shriek out at 100db for 24 hours straight. There�s no way you�ll be able to let the sink run over ever again. Sadly, the batteries aren�t replaceable, but they last for up to 3 years and cost $19.99 for a set of three, so I�d say that sounds like a fair deal.


  • Can this be used in nuclear power plants?

  • apart from nukes, i didnt hear of overflowing tubs for a long time. maybe the coriolis force is stronger in my area, so the water is less likely to move to the bathroom floor.

  • Err, how does this compare to a Poundland water leak detector, costing… £1?

    • I shouldt add that I have a Poundland water leak detector. It takes a PP3 9V battery, and is eminently hackable. There are three contacts on the base of the unit, but the case can be taken apart to access the terminals these connect to. So, you could possible make a cheap and cheerful continuity tester out of this device (e.g. for testing wiring). Poundland FTW!

  • D'oh! Commented on wrong article!

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