Automation is a huge problem for many workers as more and more industries are turning to robots and programs to do work that has been traditionally done by human hands. Is your job one of them? You can see how likely it is for your job to be taken by a robot with Will Robots Take My Job.
Just type in your job type on the site and it will let you know how likely it is that your job will be automated in the future. For comparison, my current job, writer, is very low at 3.8% but my last job, office clerk, was a whopping 96%. Where is yours at?
There are factors that play into your personal likelihood. For example, if I was an office clerk at a small business, it is unlikely a computer would take my job because they wouldn’t have the resources for a specialized system. It is an interesting look at the future and may help open the discussion around the place of work in our society. You can check out the website for your job.
you may think you’re safe in a small business but there will be 1000 x more people applying for those jobs so wages will be low and you’ll always be in fear that you can be replaced easily.
plus how will a small business that needs to employ staff compete with a larger business that has much lower costs.
Well this really depends on WHAT your small business is, where it’s located, and what function it serves.