It’s pretty easy for someone who’s determined to hack into your WiFi network nowadays, even if you think you’re safe with WPA encrypted password protection and all the rest. WEP security is all but useless, and yet people still rely on it to keep others from accessing their wireless LAN. The annoying thing is that anyone camping on your bandwidth costs you money, as well as using up your bandwidth allowance, which is a double whammy, let alone the security issues.
Wireless Network Watcher won’t stop people getting in, but what it can do is alert you to connections on your network that shouldn’t be there. If you know you’ve just got a laptop, smartphone and webcam hooked up to your WiFi and all of a sudden there’s 3 other connections logged in, you know you’ve got trouble, and can take action to sort it out.
In most cases if you’re compromised, it will require more than just changing passwords to secure your network again (one trick is to switch over to MAC address only access to your router, which should shut everyone out nicely). This is one of those freeware utilities that’s worth downloading and running every so often just to keep tabs on your network security.