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Withings Aura – tracks and improves the way you sleep


We have seen a lot devices to monitor and track all our daytime activities, but so far there have been fewer gadgets that can monitor us while we sleep and improves our sleep patterns. And of those, most force us to wear either an uncomfortable head or wrist band or some sort of hat. However there’s now a new more comfortable alternative.

Meet the new Withings Aura sleep tracker unveiled at CES 2014. This 2-part device is designed to completely analyze and improve the way you sleep. It will make every night even more comfortable than the one before, and help you get the most out of your nightime adventures. Discard those sleeping pills and say hello to the Aura of sleep.

The gadget features two parts, a bedside monitor and a sleep pad. Just slide the sleep pad under your mattress and place the monitor on your nightstand. Both of these will analyze your movements, noise pollution, room temperature, heart rate, and your breathing cycles. It will then deliver a set of reports to your connected smartphone on demand. It can also help you sleep by using different lights and relaxation audio to lull you when it counts. The Withings Aura will be available for $299 via Withings Store by Spring 2014.


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