A.I. posted by

WordPress.com Embeds AI Function Into Its Post Writing Editor. oh dear

Jetpack AI Assistant for WordPress.com

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse better, news comes that WordPress.com has just embedded an AI feature into it’s blog editing code. The Jetpack AI Assistant is a one click solution for those who want to produce vapid, generic, boring blog posts at the touch of a button. Did we get that right?

The assistant provides the full range of GPT type functionality you would expect, including creating nice looking blog structures, and can even suggest fabulous clickbait style titles to help your post pop with style. But will it improve the quality of the written content on the Web, we hear you ask? Hmm…

The new feature is free of charge (for a limited time), so expect to see lots of delicious grammar perfect, spelling perfect, SEO perfect content flooding the web from now on. It’s so depressing!

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