In one of those science fiction becomes fact moments, an enterprising project in Shenzhen, China has seen the first public demonstration of a manned electric flying saucer. Hey ho, UFO no more. The craft, which was shown flying around a tech park, was developed with the help of Northwestern Polytechnical University and manufactured by Shenzen UFO Flying Saucer Technology. The video of the event shows a vehicle which looks decidedly unsteady in flight, even with six independent ducts with dual fans.
The as yet unnamed device can apparently fly for 15 minutes at a time, at a maximum height of 200 meters. It also features a max speed of around 30 mph. It holds a single pilot, can operate on land and water, and reportedly comes with ‘triple redundancy’ in terms of the power unit, motors and flight controls. We’re guessing they’re going to need all that stuff working flat out to stay aloft.
The project is clearly early on in development – for instance we’re really not sure what that strange duct like object is dangling underneath – and the developers are promoting its use as an advertising and tourist gadget. The kids seem to enjoy it anyway. Having seen this flying the flesh, we’re wondering whether somewhere in a dark warehouse in deepest China there’s a much more advanced version which has been causing all the UFO panic we’ve seen over the past few years.
Meanwhile, here at Ferret Towers, we’re still waiting for our flying car, dammit!