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Wufoo Another cracker of an online application, this time for making forms. So that sounds boring right? Wrong. Forms are the backbone of the Web (just think about the number of forms you fill out to buy, join, sell, visit and plain read online). The beauty of Wufoo is that it takes away all the pain of setting up database configurations etc, and just lets you put together a hot looking form. It’s a simple but vital role. Lovely. [Thanks Tom]

 Wufoo is a web-based tool to help you build and host amazing online forms. In only a few short minutes, you can create a mailing list, a marketing survey or even a complete customer management system.


  • There is a new online Form Builder called The Blue Form.
    It features an AJAX style form builder but it also allows approval workflows to be assigned to forms. This means that once forms are filled-in, approvers receive an email asking them to approver or reject the form. Multiple approvers can be specified for the form and the form can be tracked through the workflow. Data can be exported from the system at any time.
    This makes The Blue Form more of a process automation / BPM tool than just an AJAX form builder.

  • There’s a recent and detailed review of Wufoo, including a live data-entry forms and several screen captures, plus links to other AJAXified formbuilders at

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