The You Are Not So Smart blog delivers a wealth of information on why we do what we do, in plain understandable English, and with a valuable smattering of examples. Written by journalist David McRaney, it’s a compelling, and sometimes unsettling, read.
Want to know why you buy what you buy, believe what you believe? Think you understand how your memory or emotions or belief system works? Think again. Fascinating stuff. For a real down-home example read the post on Fanboyism and Brand Loyalty. It could change your life.
The Misconception: You are a rational, logical being who sees the world as it really is. The Truth: You are as deluded as the rest of us, but that’s OK, it keeps you sane. You Are Not So Smart is a blog devoted to self delusion and irrational thinking. There’s a lot of research out there suggesting you have no idea why you act or think the way you do. It feels awful to accept such things, so you create narratives to explain your own feelings and behavior.