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You Eat Plastic – about a spoonful a week

Plastic is everywhere and it stands to reason that you’ve already eaten some this week. You’re probably shaking your head because you would have remembered if you swallowed plastic, right? Well surprise! It’s microplastics. They’re in they water and now they’re in you, in us, too.

Microplastics are just broken down pieces of plastic waste and it’s literally everywhere. In the water, in the soil, in the most remote places on our planet, everywhere. So if you’ve eaten something made with water, soup, coffee, water from your tap, for instance, then you’ve gotten some plastic with it. Just a spoonful or so a week once it’s all said and done. We don’t notice it at all.

It doesn’t have any immediate effects on us either which his good, we’ll flush it out of our systems but we are exposed to it daily and overtime it may interfere with our biology. There are filters but the only things we can really do is start reducing the amount of plastic produced, used, and discarded.

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