Author Archives: Marty Shaw

Full Name: Marty Shaw Website:
Info: Marty Shaw is a freelance writer who currently calls Texas his home. When he's not trying to figure out a creative way to hitch a ride in the TARDIS, he imagines what it would be like to live through a zombie apocalypse as an uncool version of Daryl Dixon.
Cool Web Apps & Sites January 6, 2014 posted by Marty Shaw

Let Me Google That For You – The Google search engine… with attitude added free of charge

Search engines have come a long way, leaving the ancient days of Boolean back with Betamax tapes, but it seems like there’s always at least one friend that doesn’t get how simple searching is now. Whether you actually know someone who’s lost with Google or you just want to have a quick laugh, this is the search engine you need.

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Let Me Google That For You – The Google search engine… with attitude added free of charge
nice idea... January 3, 2014 posted by Marty Shaw

Liftware – Reducing the anxiety of mealtime by reducing tremors

For many people, eating a meal is a time filled with challenges and insecurity. Tremors associated with Parkinson’s Disease and Essential Tremor can make seemingly simple tasks such as using silverware a complicated endeavor that takes the joy out of mealtime. Now, the tremor can be reduced in your eating utensils even if it can’t be reduced in your hands.

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Liftware – Reducing the anxiety of mealtime by reducing tremors
Cool Web Apps & Sites January 2, 2014 posted by Marty Shaw

Give It 100 – Giving self-improvement a social media boost

It’s the second day of 2014. How are those New Year resolutions going? Still hanging in there? If you’re already starting to doubt you can stick to your plans for the new year, now might be good time to bring in some friends to help provide support. Oh… and don’t look at a year-long commitment. Work it with baby-steps first and see what you can do for 100 days.

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Give It 100 – Giving self-improvement a social media boost
heh heh! January 1, 2014 posted by Marty Shaw

Engineering Blueprint Placemat Set – You just think you know how to assemble these desserts

Do you get into arguments about whether the peanut butter or the jelly goes on the bread first? If you actually don’t have anything more important to fuss over, it might help to have a few blueprints around to show that your way is the right way… and it’s convenient that the blueprints are also placemats, so you have a place to eat what you just built.

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Engineering Blueprint Placemat Set – You just think you know how to assemble these desserts