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Bevy – digital photo storage and sharing made easy

Bevy with phone

We all take a lot of pictures these days. Afterall, why not? We all have a camera in our pocket. If you’re looking for another way to store your photos and you don’t trust “The Cloud” then the Bevy is the gadget for you. It’s 1 TB of photo storage.

This is a smart storage option made to work for families. Sure you can use this device as a single person but it really shines when it comes to helping families keep track of all the photographic data they rack up through holidays, vacations, and just random life events. You can set up accounts for various users so even if they don’t live with you, you can still see their lives.

Bevy App 2

Photos are instantly uploaded from devices to Bevy and can be shared via the free app. The device will automatically sort your photos for you so they’re not all just one big collection. They can be categorized by device (who took them basically), date, or location. You can also add your preexisting digital photo albums. Bevy is $349.


  • You don’t need an iPhone as it works with Android devices, so stop showing a picture of the iPhone all the time and show an Android phone

    • I would LOVE to feature more Android phones, however, I only have the product pictures the developers make available.

    • Davin, you should make another video that shows only Android devices if that really bother you, you don’t wanna see the iPhone? then don’t look at it, don’t have anything positive thing to say? get the out of this blog and go to Android only blog, is that so hard to do?

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