Posts by Category: software

software programs rule!

Mobile Tech November 12, 2011 posted by

BusChecker wakes you when you reach your bus stop

If your town has a good public transportation system, you might find yourself on a bus regularly. That’s the case where I live, as most of the college students find it much easier than trying to find parking at the university. Sometimes you might be on the bus for 20-30 minutes, and if you’re generally low on free time, you might use this as an opportunity to nap. But what if you sleep through your stop? With BusChecker, you don’t…

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BusChecker wakes you when you reach your bus stop
software November 11, 2011 posted by

Microsoft bribes you to use Internet Explorer this holiday season

For many years I’ve said that Internet Explorer is good for one thing, and one thing only: To download a better browser. With it generally lagging behind other browsers such as Chrome and Firefox in the areas of speed, security and features, there aren’t a lot of reasons why a tech-savvy person would want to use it. Well, Microsoft has given us at least one reason to use the browser for more than downloading a replacement. They’re offering up free…

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Microsoft bribes you to use Internet Explorer this holiday season
Free Software November 10, 2011 posted by

HTC Home puts the same widgets from your phone onto your desktop

When Windows Vista was released, we were introduced to Gadgets, which were small applications that ran in a sidebar on your desktop. These apps did things like show you the date, time, weather, or even a slide show. This tradition has continued in Windows 7, but I’m still not fond of the ones that Microsoft ships by default. Strangely enough, HTC has released a program that has many of the same functions as the Windows Gadgets. If you have an…

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HTC Home puts the same widgets from your phone onto your desktop
Free Software November 7, 2011 posted by

CarStations maps out electric car charging stations in your area

If you’ve taken the plunge and decided to purchase an electric vehicle, then you can consider yourself a pioneer. You can also consider yourself lucky to find a charging station, depending on where you are. Until electric cars account for a much larger percentage of vehicles on the road, you aren’t going to find charging stations on every street corner. Instead, you need something like this CarStations app for your smartphone. With apps on both the iOS and Android platforms,…

Continue Reading »CarStations maps out electric car charging stations in your area
CarStations maps out electric car charging stations in your area
Free Software November 7, 2011 posted by makes sharing large files easier than ever

When you need to share a file that’s more than a few megabytes in size, many people will turn to a service like Dropbox, which can be a perfect solution. Of course if you’re new to the service, you’ll need to sign up for an account, then download and install the software before you can begin using it. For someone just wanting to quickly share a 70MB file, this can be more of a hassle than they want to mess…

Continue Reading » makes sharing large files easier than ever makes sharing large files easier than ever
Cool Web Apps & Sites November 4, 2011 posted by

Google+ gets a new photo editor

Google+ still has a long way to go if it’s going to overtake Facebook as the social network of choice for the masses. Of course, it does have some features that Facebook can’t offer. Take, for instance, their new built-in photo editor. While it is certainly no Photoshop, the newly launched editor is one of the more powerful online ones around. You aren’t limited to just cropping, rotating and doing some minor brightness/contrast tweaks. The robust toolset provides you with…

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Google+ gets a new photo editor
Free Software November 3, 2011 posted by

Chrome Remote Desktop Extension makes screen sharing free and easy

When word gets out that you’re tech-savvy, you tend to get asked for help a lot. Helping people out can mean a lot of time spent on the phone, or driving over to someone’s house. That’s why having software that allows you to remotely control someone’s computer is a life saver. And now it seems you can do it from right within your web browser. Google recently released the Chrome Remote Desktop Extension, which, as you can imagine, allows you…

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Chrome Remote Desktop Extension makes screen sharing free and easy
diy November 2, 2011 posted by

Use Google Adwords to increase your Dropbox storage limit

Dropbox is one of those handy services that can really make your life easier. Whether you’re backing up important files, or sharing some with co-workers for a project, it can be a life saver. The best part is that the service is free, so long as you don’t need more than 2GB of storage. But even then, you can get more without having to pay. Lifehacker has put together a great guide on how to get Dropbox to give you…

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Use Google Adwords to increase your Dropbox storage limit
Free Software November 1, 2011 posted by

FotoKoi brings photographers and photo buyers together on their phones

Now and then you need a picture for your website, a presentation, or any number of other things. Finding the right picture can be hard, and finding one that you can use without infringing on someone’s copyright is even harder. Sure, there are some places where you can buy stock photos, or even purchase the rights to use a particular image on an individual basis. However, what if you can’t find what you need? You turn to FotoKoi. FotoKoi is…

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FotoKoi brings photographers and photo buyers together on their phones
hmm..interesting October 31, 2011 posted by

Appointlet syncs new appointments with your Google Calendar

If you offer services that require someone to setup an appointment with you, there’s a good chance that you use something like Google Calendar to help keep track of things. Of course, that just means that you have to answer phone calls, or check your emails, then transfer the appointment to your calender. Wouldn’t it be great if you could have your clients stop by your website, look at your availability (which is based off of current appointments in your…

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Appointlet syncs new appointments with your Google Calendar
Free Software October 28, 2011 posted by

Safer Minicabs lets you book a cab from your phone

When you’re in a big city and you need to get from point A to point B, you might find it to be a daunting task. Depending on your location, you may be able to take the subway or a bus, or even walk. However, the fastest and most convenient way is generally by hailing a cab. But do you really want to flag down any old cab? Safer Minicabs is trying to make it easier and safer than ever…

Continue Reading »Safer Minicabs lets you book a cab from your phone
Safer Minicabs lets you book a cab from your phone
Free Software October 28, 2011 posted by

Google Image Ripper lets you download images without visiting the sites they came from

When I need to find an image, the first place I go is Google Images. One quick search will bring millions of images to my screen. There are plenty of advanced search options that will help narrow down the selection, which makes it perfect for my needs. The only issue I have is when I click on a thumbnail, only to be taken to a page which no longer hosts the image, or worse, contains questionable material. Thankfully there is…

Continue Reading »Google Image Ripper lets you download images without visiting the sites they came from
Google Image Ripper lets you download images without visiting the sites they came from
Free Software October 25, 2011 posted by

Asterisk Key reveals the saved passwords on your computer

I’m sure that everyone has found themselves in a position where they’ve forgotten a password at least once. The most frustrating thing is when you have the password saved in the program you’re using (such as your web browser) but it only shows the asterisks. That’s fine and all for accessing stuff on that computer, but what if you need to change it, or access that page on a different machine? Then you might run into some trouble. That’s where…

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Asterisk Key reveals the saved passwords on your computer
hmm..interesting October 24, 2011 posted by

Use Litfy to read classic books and take notes in your browser

I’m constantly amazed by the number of people in my generation who have never read any of the great classics. Shakespeare, H.G. Wells, and Arthur Conan Doyle are all authors whose work I think everyone should� read. With the proliferation of eReaders these days, there’s almost no reason not to read through some of the classics. However, if you don’t have such a fancy device, you can still read through these books on a site called Litfy. Litfy may not…

Continue Reading »Use Litfy to read classic books and take notes in your browser
Use Litfy to read classic books and take notes in your browser
Cool Web Apps & Sites October 24, 2011 posted by

Is It Old? Lets you know if that link you found is old news

When surfing the internet,� you’re always encountering new and interesting or funny things. Your natural desire is usually going to be to share these things with your friends, however, that may not be the smart thing to do. What if this wonderful new thing has actually been around for years? Now your friends are going to think that you’ve been living under a rock! Well fear not, as Is It Old? has you covered. This simple website has one simple…

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Is It Old? Lets you know if that link you found is old news