Posts by Category: software

software programs rule!

hmm..interesting March 4, 2011 posted by

JAM Guitar Input For iPad

There may be a new iPad on the market soon, but fear not! Apogee is here to make things that will work with the first model, and most other iOS devices. If you like playing guitar, but don�t want to carry around a mini amp to practice, you can get the Apogee JAM guitar input. This little guy has the capabilities to let you practice, record, and well�jam however you please. It�s a very straightforward product as it is plug-and-play….

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JAM Guitar Input For iPad
hmm..interesting March 3, 2011 posted by

Green Goose Egg: Life As A Video Game

We�ve all said it a million times, �Why can�t life be more like a video game?� Where we did things to meet an end such as gaining experiences and leveling up to fight our greatest foes. The awesome people at Green Goose have made up a system that will literally make your life like a video game, and will update your stats pretty much constantly. Now you may be thinking, well this isn�t what I was talking about. I want…

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Green Goose Egg: Life As A Video Game
Free Software March 3, 2011 posted by

Bill Cosby gets his own mobile app

Bill Cosby is one of those comedians that really stands the test of time, I think. The height of his career was honestly before my time, but I still enjoyed watching re-runs of The Cosby Show as a kid. His standup bits crack me up to this day. Well now it seems that you can bring your favorite comedian with you, no matter where you go. That’s right, he has his own personal app for mobile devices. iPhone, Android and…

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Bill Cosby gets his own mobile app
Free Software March 2, 2011 posted by

DirecTV iPad app lets you control your DVR from anywhere

If you’re a DirecTV customer who also happens to own an iPad, you’ll be excited to hear about a new free app that is available to you. The DirecTV app gives you access to your home DVR system and will allow you to use your tablet as an extremely robust remote control. Things like checking TV listings for up to two weeks in advance, changing recording schedules and more are at your fingertips, regardless of where you are. The two…

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DirecTV iPad app lets you control your DVR from anywhere
Recommended March 2, 2011 posted by

Trillian now syncs conversations across multiple computers

If you have multiple computers, and switch between them frequently, keeping track of IM conversations can be a hassle. Skype is one program that gets around this by providing you with your chat logs when you sign onto a computer, even if the conversation happened on a different machine. Trillian seems to have taken note of this, and has added such a feature to their IM client. I’ve been a Trillian user for many years, as it was one of…

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Trillian now syncs conversations across multiple computers
Recommended March 1, 2011 posted by

Cloud Connect syncs your Office documents with Google Docs

Google Docs is great for creating and editing a variety of documents. However, the software isn’t as robust as Microsoft’s Office suite. So why not have the best of both worlds? The easy storage and sharing abilities of Google’s cloud service, with the power behind Microsoft’s programs. That’s what Google wants to do with their new Cloud Connect plug-in for Microsoft Office. The plug-in installs a toolbar in your Office suite and allows you to save your current document in…

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Cloud Connect syncs your Office documents with Google Docs
software March 1, 2011 posted by

Put your tablet to use as a secondary computer display

One of the things that bothers me about working on my laptop is that I’m confined to only a single screen. Yes, most people do work off of a single monitor, but when you’re used to using two (or even three) screens, everything starts to feel cramped on just one. Well if you have a fancy tablet running either iOS or Android, you can use it to extend your desktop. Thanks to a $5 app called iDisplay you’ll be able…

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Put your tablet to use as a secondary computer display
Cool Web Apps & Sites March 1, 2011 posted by

Creepy software maps out your tweets and Flickr images

The internet has given us countless ways to stealthily check up on people who we are interested in. Facebook is an obvious choice for the task, but what about Flickr, or Twitter? Sure, they can provide you with a little bit of info each. However, with a piece of software, you can use those services to track exactly where someone has been. Creepy? Yes. No, really, that’s the name of the program. Creepy. The software takes geocoded data from Flickr…

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Creepy software maps out your tweets and Flickr images
Free Software February 28, 2011 posted by

Picasa now lets you store more files, for free

In a time where companies are starting to limit how much you’re able to store in the cloud, one provider is doing just the opposite. Picasa users might notice that their accounts are no longer reading the proper usage. The error will seem to be in your favor, but it could strike a bit of fear into your heart, seeing that you’ve suddenly gone from using 56GB to 27GB (as one user noted). Don’t worry though, your images and videos…

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Picasa now lets you store more files, for free
Recommended February 28, 2011 posted by

Call internationally on any phone with Skype to Go

Making phone calls in your own country is pretty easy, and cheap these days. However, once you start trying to call a friend overseas, it gets a little more hairy. Personally, I use Skype to accomplish this, and thanks to owning a smartphone, dialing an international number only takes a couple of extra steps. If you don’t have a phone capable of installing Skype software, then you’ve been pretty much out of luck. But not anymore. Skype has updated their…

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Call internationally on any phone with Skype to Go
hmm..interesting February 25, 2011 posted by

Google adds recipe search

I’m not very good at cooking, nor do I attempt to do it very often. However, when I do, I usually tend to look up a recipe for whatever it is. Rather than turn to a cookbook, I turn to Google for my searching needs. I can’t say that I really ever have trouble locating a decent receipe, but the search giant is making it even easier to find the cooking instructions you need. When you put in a search…

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Google adds recipe search
Cool Web Apps & Sites February 23, 2011 posted by

Facebook Messenger iPhone App

When bored with nothing to do, we all fall victim to browsing around on Facebook for hours without actually talking to anyone we know. Just catching up on statuses while on the bus is nice, but when you see that someone you haven�t talked to in forever is online, you don�t want to pop up in their chat only to be ignored. That�s why there�s now a more direct approach through a new Facebook app that lets you call your…

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Facebook Messenger iPhone App
announcement February 22, 2011 posted by

Windows 7 SP1 releasing today

If you’re a Windows 7 user, get ready for a big update coming down the pipe later today. Microsoft is releasing the first service pack for their latest OS. Surprisingly, there isn’t a lot to be seen in this. Unless you are running Windows Server, it’s mostly just minor tweaks and bugfixes. To be honest, I won’t be updating my machines today, or even tomorrow. I’ve seen too many botched service pack updates from Microsoft to install them on day…

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Windows 7 SP1 releasing today
Awesome February 21, 2011 posted by

Google Documents now supports .psd, .xls and 10 other file formats

Have you ever tried to open an image that someone’s sent you, only to realize that it’s .psd file, and you don’t have Photoshop installed on your computer? It’s an expensive piece of software, so not everyone is going to have a copy. Well you’ll be happy to know that if this happens again, you can just turn to Google Docs. That’s right, the search giant has announced support for .psd and 11 other file types. This is why I…

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Google Documents now supports .psd, .xls and 10 other file formats
Free Software February 21, 2011 posted by

Split The Rent solves housing disputes

If you’ve ever been in a living situation with roommates, you know how hard dividing up the rent fairly can be. It’s a big hassle to accurately divide everything out so no one feels cheated. That why the Split the Rent application was created. This free web app will help you determine whats a fair price by asking you a series of simple questions. How large the rooms are, windows with a view, closet space and bathrooms all go into…

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Split The Rent solves housing disputes