Bookmark This! posted by is an instant photo cropping tool with smarts


If you were to take a straw poll of the most common tasks undertaken by people editing photographs, chances are you’d find that most of us want to a) remove red eye, b) remove Aunt Edna and c) crop the photo to get rid of the muppet photo-bombing our wedding shots in the background.

The problem is, it’s not that easy to crop images elegantly, so often they just end up looking naff and unbalanced. Which is why it’s interesting to see this new online application appear. It offers automatic, ‘intelligent’ (our word) photo cropping on demand. Just upload your image, select from the range of standard crop sizes or set your own and hit the Crop button.


Seconds later, you’ll be able to download your nicely edited image and post it to the Vicar’s newsletter. It’s not perfect, for instance if you edit their suggested crop to improve it, but then press the Crop Your Images button instead of the download button, it overrides your choice and downloads the original crop you didn’t like. They need to fix that.

But apart from that (and the usual caveat that computer intelligence can often be pretty dumb, so expect to edit their suggestions) it looks quite neat.

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