We live in a litigious world, peeps, where every Tom, Dick and Marvin is out to sue for profit. Slip on a floor? Sue. Refused service? Sue. Insulted at a Justin Bieber concert? Sue. It’s getting out of control, so much so that people aren’t even sure their family won’t run them into a courtroom after a family dinner table argument. So what to do?
Well one option is to invest some time and effort into this online Danger Sign Generator. It may not save you from a legal challenge, but at least you’ll be able to point to your DIY home made sign as proof that you were trying not to be negligent. It’s a fairly easy tool to use. Just log on to the site, select a ready made sign template or design your own, add the symbol and text you want and press the Create button.
At which point you have a choice of either downloading, printing or embedding the sign as you require. You can even have it produced as a magnetic sign for a small fee, which is great for your office (or dorm room?) fridge. It’s got all the hallmarks of a great way to protect yourself and have fun at the same time.
This won't protect you as they don't meet ANSI standards. The lawyers will use that fact against you!
But at least it will show you tried not to be negligent. Or have a good sense of humor. ? :)