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Emberlight – turn your boring bulbs into smart bulbs

Emberlight socket and app

When you’re leaving the house, one of the most effective ways to keep your stuff safe is making it look like someone is still there. Timers are yesterday’s news. Welcome to the 21st century where you can turn your old boring lightbulbs into smart bulbs with Emberlight.

The Emberlight uses your existing blubs, turning them into smart bulbs that can be controlled with iOS or Android devices. This gives you a variety of options some of which are pretty mundane like turning on your outside lights when you come home to more unique things such as gently turning on your lights when the sun comes up.

Emberlight in use

Security isn’t the only thing that these are good for, they can also be used as energy savers. Never leave a light burning all night by accident (or because you were too tired after letting the dog in to go back and shut it off) again. You can turn lights on and off right from your phone from anywhere. When you move, you can just take your Emberlight with you and install them at your new spot. Emberlight is $49.

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