Quitting smoking is really hard. It’s not just the addictive quality of cigarettes, people also have reasons for why they smoke and that just makes it all the harder. The Slighter is the lighter that wants to help you quit by learning why you smoke.
As you use this lighter, it tracks your smoking habits and lets you know when you’re smoking and where which will go into figuring out why you’re smoking. You can view your tracked results on your phone through the app.
The app gives you indicators to help you stop. The lighter itself is chemical free and has settings so you can tell it if you’re just giving a friend a light or if you’re actually just cheating on your goals (we all need breaks every now and then). The device isn’t quite on the market yet but they are looking for Beta testers! If you’re curious and looking for a new way to kick the habit, you can sign up for testing.
This product seems to have good intentions, but the reason anyone smokes is because nicotine is incredibly addictive.
Nicotine is addictive however, part of treating an addiction is recognizing why one engages in the behavior in the first place. Identifying triggers that make you want to, in this case, smoke will help you develop strategies to keep you from engaging in the behavior when faced with the trigger.